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【双语】你好!中国 | 今日立秋,夏未央,秋已来!|秋天|时令|糖炒栗子|autumn

发布日期:2025-01-04 16:37    点击次数:107

今天,我们迎来二十四节气中的“立秋”,一个标志着夏季逐渐退场,秋天悄然登场的日子。虽然名字叫“立秋”,但暑热并不会立即消散,我们还会经历一段时间的“秋老虎”,不过,秋天的气息已经开始在空气中弥漫啦!Today marks the arrival of "Liqiu", one of the twenty-four solar terms, signifying the gradual retreat of summer and the quiet arrival of autumn. Although it is called "Liqiu" (the beginning of autumn), the summer heat will not immediately dissipate. We will still experience a period of "Autumn Tiger" (lingering heat), but the essence of autumn has already begun to permeate the air!在这个特殊的日子里,让我们一起期待那第一片飘落的黄叶,感受那份属于秋天特有的宁静与收获。On this special day, let us look forward to the first fallen yellow leaf and feel the unique tranquility and harvest that belong to autumn.立秋也是品尝时令美食的好时节,比如烤红薯、糖炒栗子,还有那鲜美的秋蟹……光是想想就让人垂涎三尺!Liqiu is also a great time to enjoy seasonal delicacies, such as roasted sweet potatoes, sugar-fried chestnuts, and delicious autumn crabs. Just thinking about them makes one's mouth water!不管你是喜欢夏天的热情奔放,还是秋天的宁静悠长,立秋都是一个值得庆祝的日子。让我们一起迎接这个充满变化的美好季节吧!Whether you love the passionate and exuberant summer or the serene and long autumn, Liqiu is a day worth celebrating. Let's welcome this beautiful season full of changes together!责编:易卓


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